Sunday, May 06, 2007

"Following Jesus" - John 21:19-25

Pastor Wilkins in his May 6, 2007 Sermon states:

"There is a paradox to life -- we cannot live until we give up oru lives for others (Matthew 16:24-25). This is true because man is created after the image of God and thus, must live like GOd lives. Each of the Persons of the Godhead "give up" their own glory and fulfillment for the sake of the others. Because this is so, God is love, joy, shalom, and the fullness of all blessedness. This is one of the chief things emphasized here in this last incident in John's gospel. THe disciples are being re-commissioned to be the great fishers of men (those who will be used to gather in the natioins) and the great shepherds and overseeres of the world, discipling the nations, so that all men learn to follow Jesus ("teaching them all things, whatsovever I have commanded you"). But if they are to be used in this great work, they must learn to follow Jesus themselves..."

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